Wednesday, November 9, 2011

my sisters are bullies

My good friend, Bret, has made me feel good about myself again. My sisters tell me that my blog posts are, "lame" and that "only poo poo heads would read them." (their words)  Bret tells me that my sisters just don't understand me. Bret makes me feel good, and my sisters make me feel bad. They might say that they were just giving me honest, constructive criticism, but my mother always told me, "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say nothing at all." Here is an embarrassing pictures of my sister. She is probably yelling something mean here.

Is this cyber-bullying? I don't think so. They are the bullies. I am just fighting back. This is cyber fighting.

Yes, they are horrible sisters, but they do write an okay blog. Don't let them trick you, it might look they just write about how their outdoor adventures relate to life lessons, but they are really writing about weed. Look what they hid in their blog title.

420, 4:20 or 4/20 (pronounced four-twenty) refers to consumption of cannabis and, by extension, a way to identify oneself with cannabis subculture.

Dang hippies.

This is Caroline and Miriam being hippies

Monday, November 7, 2011

sleep sledding

Both my sisters say my blog is boring. They say it seems like I am not trying as hard. So after I said some bad things about their blog, I decided I needed to write less posts, but more quality posts. So don't expect one everyday any more. I will still write about my snow adventure today though.

Today, for adventure Monday, we went night sledding. Since we are poor, we didn't have to much to sled on. This is a box with a man with a mullet and a mustache on it. Nice ride, huh?

Laura got sleepy, and went sleep sledding.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

my favorite scripture

I was thinking of my favorite scripture today, and it's probably Revelations 9. Specifically these verses.

9:7 And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men.
9:8 And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions.
9:9 And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle.
9:10 And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months.

Here is another one of my favorites of Michael warring against Satan. You do see the creature described in Revelations 9 just about Lucifer's wing. The lion rider just below Lucifer is also described in Revelations 9.

Super Day

I woke up at eight and had my day planned out until after midnight. I knew I needed to do my blog, so I took pictures.

This is what we woke up to

We then drove to St. George, and the weather was super for mountain biking
Jared found the biggest loser van and was very excited

We went mountain biking, and had a spiritual experience.

 Then we went to the temple and had a different kind of spiritual experience. It was a really good day, one of the best.

Friday, November 4, 2011


I have decided to blog about politics today. I don't know much about them, but I'd like to. I mostly know what I've heard in classes from teachers, from my parents, and from the Colbert Report.

I did find this though, and thought it was interesting. It's a graph of every presidents approval rating since 1946. Cool huh? I don't know if it means anything important. I thought that everyone hated George Bush, but it looks like everyone hates everyone.

I think Jared would make a good president. He's really nice. It would be hard for him though, because he's Mormon. Do Mormons run for President? Who knows. Also, I don't know how smart he is. I mean, I know he's smart, but is he President of the United States smart?

Well, he knows how to get the people to love him. This is like when politicians kiss babies.

I think pictures of him smoking pot would come back to haunt him during his campaign.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Jared a Fundamentalist Mormon?!

We all knew Jared was weird, but is he a Fundamentalist Mormon? Or in other words a polygamist? I think so! Here is some evidence.
If that picture isn't proof enough, check this one out.

He is dancing with a polygamist, if I ever saw one.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

hardly worth reading

People that hang out with me know that I ramble sometimes. This is one of those times. I won't be upset if you decide not to read this post. (but you better read all the others!)

I am trying to figure out how to make money in my spare time. I've heard of people doing eBay businesses, that's probably a good route. I've also heard of people making money blogging. I blog already, can I make money doing this? Google has something called AdSense, which will put advertisements on my blog, and I'll get paid a bit for that. For some reason, I feel like Google would be the one getting most the money from those advertisements. I might have to wait until I start writing something worth reading before I take this route.

I learned this morning that to sell a product, you need to fill a specific need. 

Of course on my mission in Indiana I couldn't kayak, it was against the rules. But, if I lived there not as a missionary I would "need" somewhere to kayak.

You can artificially make places to play boat. Here is a list of artificial whitewater parks.

Don't read into that list to much, else you will find that there already is a whitewater park in Indiana. The thing about that park, though, is that there aren't any play waves there.

This is the kind of thing that Indiana needs. It's called the Riverdale Wave.

Can I build these? If more of these were built, then more people would "need" kayaks. If more people had kayaks, there would be more of a need for play waves. It is my dream that every small town in Indiana have a man made play wave in it. If that were the case, more people would care about the rivers, and the environment. It would keep kids from getting in trouble. Plus, as the bible says, kayaking is the way to happiness.  

Alright, I started by talking about how to make money in my spare time to talking about how to make the world happier. How do I do both? I could start with Coal Creek, the little creek that runs through town. The water is low right now, I need to figure out how to dump a bunch of concrete and rocks into a certain part of the creek so when there is more water running through it, there will be a fun play wave. Coal Creek already has a fun feature, but it could be better.

Here is Coal Creeks little waterfall

And here is something to laugh at as a reward for reading my ramblings. This is me getting hammered by that waterfall while is holds me there. Look closely to see the rocks coming at me as I get beaten while upside down.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

How do God and Rod feel about facial hair?

I was talked into growing out my facial hair for "no shave November." I used to have the impression that people with facial hair were judged a bit. My mom told me to shave or else no one would hire me, my teachers would give me bad grades, and Satan would be able to lead me around by me beard. "...and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell, by the beard" (2 Nephi 28:21)

Face hair is becoming more accepted now  (Leviticus 21:5) especially the mustache.
Look how good he looks. This image is of Rod, from Hot Rod. I love that movie. It teaches us so much. For me it teaches what it means to be a man, including how important it is to have facial hair.