Saturday, May 5, 2012

I bought a house!

Recently I bought a new vehicle.

Here it is.

I also recently bought and did some work on a new home.

Here it is.

Cool, huh? Do you want to see the inside.

First, we will start up front. I consider this the kitchen. I have a cooler here and an Ipod,

 Now to the master bedroom.

I attached that clothes rack with some wires. That orange board is Jared and my's affirmation board. I'm the lucky one that got to keep it. Those drawers under the bed are super convenient. I build a little bed frame that attaches to the drawers. I have plenty of clothes space.

It might not look like there is a lot of room, but, there is.

I'll keep you-ins updated on my experiences.


  1. A vehicle and a luxury home in one purchase, you are a rich man.

    Best of all look at all that lumberjack plaid!

  2. WOW. That turned out way better than I ever imagined. Good job Eric, that's so masculine to make a house out of a vehicle. And Laura is right about the plaid.
