Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Another good Wednesday

I don't feel like ranting today either. Wednesday might be changed to feel good day.
I am figuring out my schedule for Spring semester. I am a finance major. When people ask me what I am going to do with that, I tell them that I will be a "wealthy business man." I haven't had any specifics for them, as of yet. So here are some options I have thought of.
  • wealthy CFO
  • filthy rich CEO
  • wealthy kayak shop owner
  • very well off river sport inovator
  • loaded investor
I think it would be fun to be all of those. 

Yes, with cash flowing from the kayaks. Every Wednesday would be a good Wednesday. I know, I know, Money doesn't buy happiness. You have to buy the things that make you happy first. I plan on buying more kayaks, and judging from that picture, food.

You may notice that I have gotten fat in the future. What of it?! I'm rollin' in it!


  1. The fat isn't too concerning- but it looks like you lost some height too. I guess if you have kayaks full of cash it wouldn't be too concerning though.

  2. I saw your sister today, and she told me about this blog. So far, I've read all of your posts, and I am a fan. Have you thought about kayaking on an endless river of cash? The rapids might not be great, but I think it would be worth a shot.


  3. I'll still be your friend when you're hefty.
